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عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2015

البلوط لعلاج التهابات المهبل

البلوط مفيد لعلاج افرازات المهبل بعمل دش مهبلي من مغلي البلوط و ذلك بشكل خاص للمصابات بسرطان الرحم و كذلك يغلى قشره و يعمل منه

علاج تناول السم او الطعام الفاسد و نهش الافاعي و العقارب

لعلاج تناول السم او الطعام الفاسد و نهش الافاعي و العقارب اليك هذه النصائح الطبيه والوصفات الطبيعيه الرائعه التي ستمكنك فعلا على  علاج تناول السم او الطعام الفاسد و نهش الافاعي و العقارب

وصفات طبيعيه لعلاج احتباس السوائل

أحتباس السوائل أو الاستسقاء مرض ليس بالبسيط و لكن لا يأس مع الأعشاب حيث أن هنالك علاج له بوصفات طبيعيية من الأعشاب أقدمها لكم من مدونة وصفه و خلطة أعشاب.

وصفات طبيعيه لعلاج التهاب الحنجره و اللوزتين

البلعوم ( فم, حنجره متقرحه, حلق) ( التهاب اللوزتين و الحنجره, قروح ). أعراض التهاب الحنجره ( الحنجره المتقرحه). شعور بالوخز و الاهتياج. تورم في العنق. احساس بالحراره أو الجفاف في أسفل الحنجره. احمرار واضح عند أسفل الحنجره.

وصفات أعشاب طبيعيه لعلاج خشونة الجلد و تشققاته

خشونة الجلد و تشققاته مشكله يعاني منها كثير من الناس و هي من المشكلات الجلديه المنتشره لذلك أقدم لكم وصفات  من الأعشاب الطبيعيه لعلاج خشونة الجلد و تشققاته و هي من وحي الطبيعيه و 10% خاليه من المواد الكيميائيه أرجو لكم الشفاء العاجل باستعمال وصفاتي و الاستفاده منها ان شاء الله تعالى. أسهل وصفة أعشاب للتخلص من خشونة الجلد بدقائق

How to get a fine smooth skin

  Get A Smooth skin with a honey and sesame oil recipe Sesame oil   and   honey to have a fine smooth skin   This Natural easy recipe will give you a healthy smooth silk skin it is made of sesame oil and honey Getting a fine smooth skin is a dream for everyone of us,here is how to get your skin smooth naturally What You need is :   20   tbsp   of sesame oil fine, Get A Smooth Fine skin with honey and sesame oil recipe, natural care, skin, smooth, How To Remove Black Pores From Your Skin Black,  3   teaspoons   foundation cream   One egg   yolk   1 Teaspoon  dry  lecithin   4   tablespoons   apple   cider vinegar   1  teaspoon  White   honey   1 teaspoon Lavender   oil Preparation : Mix  5%  of   the amount of   sesame oil   with the   e gg yolk   and   salt  .   Add   honey ...

Lemon oil to get rid of age spots

Lemon oil to get rid of age spots Natural age spot treatments You can get rid of age spots in a natural way, using recipes from herbal SAFE Alternative Medicine, I searched and put it here so that you will benefit from it. 1-Natural glycol acid to get rid of age spots  Using glycol acid extracted from natural sugar acids like lemon and papaya acid will peel the skin surface of  gently so all you have to do is to apply this natural acid to your age spot once in the morning and another time before sleeping at night to get rid of all those ugly spots. Get rid of age spots with lemon oil  You can get rid of age spots this natural recipe it's ingredients are: 3 drops of lemon oil . 3 points of benzoin . 3 drops of sweet almond oil . Mix the ingredients together . Apply on age spots twice daily.    

ABC's of food safety

It is interesting, perhaps even alarming, that most consumers are not concerned about microbiological contamination, despite solid evidence that, it is the one most likely to occur. Many homes have unsafe food storage and preparation practices. These may cause flu-like and other illnesses that are never traced to improper handling of food. Consumers rarely consider their own food practices a hazard . ABC's of food safety: the good, bad and ugly microbes! Now some ABC's of microbes Microbes are divided in to three categories: Good microbes: those which make our tasty yogurt and fight illness-causing E-coli strains in your intestines. Bad microbes: which cause food deterioration (bad flavor and smell of your sandwiches). And finally the ugly microbes, those are called pathogenic microbes which cause abdominal pain, vomiting, and you know that bad night !) Notice that Some microbes are both bad and ugly, watch out for those rotten breads ! Microbiological contam...

Lose weight with Lemon and cumin

I found this weight loss recipe in a herbs book , it is strange but looks safe and organic and won't do any harm and wanted to share it with you, If you want to try it go for it, I will try it myself  and will let you know if  I lost any weight. Ingredients: one lemon. 1 teaspoon of cumin. 1 cup of boiling water slice your lemon to very thin slices. Add the cumin and the lemon slices to the boiled water. Set all night. Drink the water after straining it very early in the morning on an empty stomach. Happy weight loss try. Stay healthy till next post Images were broguht to you by google images Lose weigh with Lemon and cumin

Henna for hair nutrition

This recipe is made up of natural plants to suit all hair types, these natural healthy plants are suitable for thin fine hair,it prevents hair loss Components of the recipe: Henna for hair nutrition 25 grams henna ore .. 10 g rosemary finely ground. 40 grams Chamomile crunched Preparation Mix the ingredients Add 300 cc of boiling water Leave it to cool Add a cup of yogurt ½ cup honey Knead the mixture well Leave it on the hair for a period of 6 hours Wash your hair with warm water

Mycotoxins And Molds Effects

mycotoxins and Molds have considerable worldwide significance in terms of public health, agriculture, and economics.Toxins produced by molds are known as mycotoxins (myco=fungal). Molds and Mycotoxins The group of societies and agricultural scientists from across the United States, has estimated that in the United States alone$20 million is lost annually on just one crop, peanuts, contaminated with just one mycotoxin, aflatoxin. Obvious mold growth causes rejection of the food, whereas mold growth that is not obvious can leave noxious mycotoxins that render the food harmful when eaten. Molds and mycotoxins growth Molds grow at moisture levels lower than the bacterial growth , although heat and high relative humidity sharply increase growth rates . Any food on which molds have grown can potentially contain mycotoxins. Some examples include fruit juice, yogurt, sour cream, cheese, bread, grains, nuts, cured meats, and jams. However, not all molds produce...

Hair loss natural treatment

Natural treatment for hair loss essay was carefully Selected for you if you were giving a special care of your hair, want a natural treatment for hair loss? this subject is one of the most subjects people are looking for, many people  men and women complain from the problem of hair loss, this problem has caused embarrassment to many ... What causes hair loss. what is the treatment for hair loss ?! Hair shape tells if it was healthy or not and healthy hair can tell that the person is in a good health.If your hair suffered from one or more of these problems (Oily, faint, severe drought,too much hair loss) then have to consult a specialist before everything. Hair, is a living organism in the human body, it is a full living organ with the rest of the organs of the body, and have a limited life after you die, and fall down, to be replaced by another of his hair. It is known that the average age of the hair is 18 months....

What do you know about Alzheimer's Disease And AIDS?

Alzheimer's Disease:  Alzheimer's Disease And AIDS  (Diet and facts)   Alzheimer's Disease And AIDS This cruel, irreversible degeneration of the brain , which now afflicts millions of Americans and nearly four times as many people worldwide, causes premature and progressive senility. The brains of Alzheimer's victims contain abnormally high levels of aluminium. Zinc Health issue on Alzheimer's Disease According to recent experiments conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston a (Harvard affiliate), there also appears to be a link between zinc and Alzheimer's. Test-tube studies suggest that zinc may cause certain proteins to become insoluble and clump in the brain, destroying gray matter. A buildup of this brain  plaque is common in Alzheimer's patients. What causes Alzheimer's ? Is dietary zinc to blame? The Boston researchers doubt it , but they do warn against taking mega doses of this trace element. A maj...

outbreaks of foodborne diseases

Records of Foodborne Disease outbreaks In the U.S.A Reporting of foodborne disease in the United States began in the 1920s When the Public Health Service first prepared annual summaries of milkborne disease. In 1938, reporting of foodborne disease was broadened to include diseases transmitted through all food and water. Data from these early surveys led to widespread adoption of public health measures such as pasteurization of milk and chlorination of water. Recodrs of outbreaks for Foodborne disease Outbreaks of foodborne disease are now reported in annual summaries published by the CDC in Atlanta. outbreak definition An outbreak is defined as two or more persons having a similar illness after ingestion of food at a specific time and place. Only botulism is an exception, where a single case is all that is necessary to constitute an outbreak. In the period between 1983 and 1987,2,397 outbreaks involving 91,678 cases of foodborne disease were reported to the CDC . Less tha...

Herbal masks to get rid of age spots

I have 2 natural  remedies made of herbs and natural components to get a really fair healthy skin, they are herbal masks that can help you to get rid of age spots Yogurt and honey mask for fair healthy face You need one table spoon of Yogurt One  table spoon honey Mix the yogurt and the honey together, then apply to your face, wait till it is dry you will need 30 mins to wait before it will dry. Wash your beautiful face with warm water repeat this mask till you get your desired fair skin. Gotu kola herbal drink for white fair body and face This mask is not only good for your face but it will be great for the whole body m it will fade away all the dark age spots you have on body and face as well,all you need to do is to drink one cup of Gotu kola herbal drink in morning and another one in the evening till you have that fair free age spots skin f

Vitamin B to comfort the facial muscles

Did you know   that   there are   ten   types   of vitamins   that contribute to  maintaining   the beauty of   your skin?!   and that any   defect   or   deficiency   in any one of them   will affect the   beauty of   your skin and   freshness and   these Vitamins are  :   B-2 B-3 B-5 B-6 B-7  B-8   A D C Each of   these vitamins   has its benefits   to the beauty of   the face mainly  from   the psychological point. It    plays a major role  in calming  the nerves  that is why is was  called the   nerve   vitamin

Clostridium perfringens food poisoning

Food poisoning from Clostridium perfringens occurs primarily from food served in institutions. The chance for contamination with this organism is great, as it is found widely distributed in nature and has been recovered in all types of soil except those from the desert. The spore form of this organism is highly heat resistant and may survive some cooking procedures. Spores germinate to form a large number of vegetative cells. When contaminated food is ingested, the organism grows in the small intenstine and produces a toxin. Clostridium perfringens Sources The organism's requirement for many amino acids makes meat, meat products, gravies and casseroles good candidates for this type of food poisoning. Conditions of little oxygen(such as occur inside a roast) favor its growth. Illness is mot frequently associated with those items held for a long time before cooking or with precooked meat items either eaten cold or reheated. Holding food ...

Carcinogenesis stages

carcinogenisis  The 3 stages of Carcinogenesis 1. Initiation(the first stage of carcinogenisis) During this stage, some event or chemical begins the transformation of a single cell into a multicellular, malignant tumor. Information of a single cell into a multicellular, malignant tumor. In most cases, this is believed to involve a permanent , irreversible change, probably consisting of a genetic mutation. Once initiation has begun , the cell has the potential to develop into a tumor , provided that the other essential steps of Carcinogenesis take place. If these other steps do not take place, the initiated cell may remain dormant indefinitely with no apparent effect on the organism. 2. Promotion(the second stage of carcinogenisis) During this carcinogenisis stage , the initiated cell clones itself and expands within a given tissue, As the number of these target cells increases, there are many sites where changes can produce fully malignant cells. ...

What Are Carcinogens?

Carcinogens,.. cancer formation mechanisms and conditions. How to care about cancer Cancer formation mechanisms and conditions. DNA and the story of genes: Since our DNA has our genes code, it's responsible for making all cells in human body. When DNA is healthy it will work just fine. However, sometimes damage to cells my takes place due to certain factors such as food , irradiation or other environmental agents. Since DNA is a loyal copying machine for our cells and the associated genes, it will replicate just what it has, which is in this case more faulty cells. Here are the good news! Our immune system is well qualified to clean out ill or damaged cells. That is the great secret of our creation. So why to worry and how come many people get this serious killer? The fact is that we hurt our immune system by loading our body with various toxins such as polluted air, unsuitable water, alcohols, caffeine, pesticides, manufactured foods, etc. There is even more than that, stress...

Health Benefits for Vitamin (C)

pictures were taken from google pictures Find all Health Benefits for Vitamin (C) The miracle vitamin Vitamin C is the miracle vitamin! surprised about it ! There are more and more evidences of the importance of this absolutely safe, inexpensive and available vitamin. It has a central role in boosting your immune system and improving your ability to resist cold and other contagious microbes. Modern medicine is paying more attention to this vitamin. It has the ability to fight against all types of diseases and even cancers. You will absolutely be shocked by the new discoveries about this miracle . Our hero today is vitamin C or Ascorbic acid. You might have heard about it, but I am sure you will be puzzled by what you READ in the next few lines. I came down to a book that discusses the significance of large doses of vitamin c to control any disease. The idea is very simple. Vitamin c is non-toxic. It has a proven effect on boosting immune system. It is well known tha...

Shigella, Facts to know

Shigella  species cause a bacterial dysentery called shigelloises. In the United States it is far less common than Salmonelloisis and accounts for only 2% of the reported outbreaks, although it is estimated that only one in 20 outbreaks are reported. Shigellae atre spread by person to- person contact, flies, water, and food. When food is involved , the disease is associated with conditions of poor personal hygiene and general sanitation and or with food that is not subsequently cooked or is held at temperatures that allow the organism to grow. Most outbreaks occur in food service operations. Prime months for this infection are the late spring to early fall. Sources:  Foods implicated in outbreaks include: Various  salads (potato, shrimp, and tuna). Milk products. Beans. P.S. Food served on a major U.S airline caused an international outbreak of Shigella sonnei that was blamed on handling by infected workers. Symptoms :The disease is mo...

Adulterated food

Concern about  adulterated  food and food contamination resulted in the passage of Food laws and regulations in the United States , the first which was adopted in the 1780 in Massachusetts. This law penalized the seller of diseased, unwholesome, and corrupted product. Another law penalized the seller of wooden nutmegs. Other states also had a variety of statutes dealing with food. When did the concern of adulterated food began?  At the federal level, no food legislation was passed until late in the 19th century, although the U.S Department of agriculture(USDA) began to be interested in the problem of adulterated feed and food earlier than that. People became increasingly aware that protection was beyond what each state could do alone. Concern about adulterated tea brought about the first federal food law, the Tea Act of 1883. This law attempted to prevent the sale of adulterated teas, but it was useless because it provided no standards for tea and no...