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outbreaks of foodborne diseases

outbreaks of foodborne diseases
Records of Foodborne Disease outbreaks In the U.S.A
Reporting of foodborne disease in the United States began in the 1920s When the Public Health Service first prepared annual summaries of milkborne disease.
In 1938, reporting of foodborne disease was broadened to include diseases transmitted through all food and water.
Data from these early surveys led to widespread adoption of public health measures such as pasteurization of milk and chlorination of water.
Recodrs of outbreaks for Foodborne disease
Outbreaks of foodborne disease are now reported in annual summaries published by the CDC in Atlanta.

outbreak definition
An outbreak is defined as two or more persons having a similar illness after ingestion of food at a specific time and place. Only botulism is an exception, where a single case is all that is necessary to constitute an outbreak.
In the period between 1983 and 1987,2,397 outbreaks involving 91,678 cases of foodborne disease were reported to the CDC .
Less than half the reported outbreaks had an identified cause, indicating the need for improved methodologies to identify pathogens.
Of those instances in which the cause was determined, 66% of the outbreaks and 92% of the case were of bacterial origin, 26% of the outbreaks and 2% of the cases were from chemical agents, 4% of the outbreaks and under 1% of the cases were due to parasites, and 5% of both outbreaks of foodborne and case were viral in origin.
Salmonella accounted for 57% of the bacterial disease. Meat and poultry foods were involved in 22% of the outbreaks and fish and shellfish in 26% .
In most outbreaks of bacterial origin, food was stored at improper holding temperatures, Or the food handlers had improper hygiene.
Of the outbreaks of foodborne of chemical origin, fish accounted for 73% because of toxins that either are ingested properly refrigerated ( scrombotoxin ).
Food service and commercial establishments accounted for three fourths of the reported outbreaks of foodborne. Certain foodborne diseases, such as botulism, were more likely to occur in the home.
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المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

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