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Nutrition Value of Lamb with Green Beans

healthy recipes
In this recipe lamb is more of a seasoning than a principal ingredient.Still, there's no shortage of protein -
vitamins or minerals, either.When served over bulgur or brown rice, this stew exemplifies the new Food guide pyramid's definition of a healthy meal.
This recipe makes 6 servings

Ingredients OF Lamb with Green Beans

1 tablespoon olive oi
3/4 pound lean, boneless lamb shoulder, trimmed of all fat and cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1 large yellow onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 cans 141/2 ounces each (no salt added stewed tomatoes, chopped with their juices
1 teaspoon dried rosemary, crumbled
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
1 pound green beans,  tipped and cut into 2-inch length
1 cup rinsed and drained canned chickpeas

How to cook

1.Preheat oven to 350 F

2.Coat a large heavy nonstick skillet well with nonstick cooking spray, 3.add the olive oil,and heat 1 minute over moderate heat .

4.Add the lamb and brown 5 minutes.
5.Remove with a slotted spoon and transfer to a small Dutch oven .
6.Reduce heat to low , add onion and garlic to skillet , and cook stirring occasionally ,untl onion has softened, about  minuted.
7.Transfer onion mixture to Dutch oven and cover and set in oven .
8.Bake , stirring occasionally , until lamb is almost tender, about 30 minutes.
9.Mix in green beans, re-cover, and cook until beans are nearly tender, about 15 minutes.
10.Stir in chickpeas and heat gently on top of the stove just until chickpeas are heated through and green beans are tender, about 5 minutes.Serve over bulgur, brown rice,or couscous

Nutrition Value of Lamb with Green Beans

Now let's check out the nutrition value of lamb with green beans then you decide weather to stay on it or just leave it.
  • 231 calories
20 g protein
7 g fat, 2 saturated
46 mg cholesterol
25 g carbohydrate
6 g fiber
107 mg calcium
197 mg phosphorus
4.1 mg iron
323 mg sodium
764 mg potassium
128 RE vitamin A
0.19 mg thiamin
0.24 mg riboflavin
4.1 mg niacin
0.24 mg riboflavin
4.1 mg niacin
28 mg vitamin C
28 mg vitamin C


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

أفضل الوصفات لعلاج الثآليل

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