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facts about amino acids and proteins

The "must know" facts about amino acids and proteins
You have probably wondered, why your hair, nails or skin do not look healthy!
In many cases people consume far more proteins than they need...
However, the quality and bio-availability of proteins are the key factors in this case. Proteins are needed for growth, maintenance and synthesis of various important bio-polymers such as hormones, enzymes, and anti-bodies. The synthesis of proteins involves a complex process that takes place at the sub-molecular level in an organelle called the ribosome using a genetic code obtained from DNA and delivered to ribosomes by a molecule called mRNA.
Nevertheless, we need to know how does that complex system works to make your nails, hair and skin look health?
Proteins are biochemical compounds made of complex molecules called amino acids. In general, amino acids are molecules with an amino and carboxylic group.
There are 21 different amino acids out there each of them differ from the others in a side chain functional group called the R-group. The good news is that the human body needs only 9 of those 21 amino acids since it has the capability to manufacture the other 12 amino acids.
People on diet or vegetarians have to be especially careful about essential amino acids since most plant-based foods have a deficiency of one or more of the essential amino acids. This may lead to chronic health problems on the long term.
It should be noticed also that excessive amounts of protein may lead to dangerously high levels of uric acid (normally comes out with urine, giving it the pale yellow color and the typical urine odor). This may cause symptoms such as kidney stones as well as other syndromes.
How about taking amino acids supplements?
Some amino acids or their derivatives are used for various reasons. take for instance aspartame (a sugar alternative) or tyrosine amino acid (used to build muscles, combat fatigue or improve mental sharpness!). In addition, insomniacs use tryptophan supplements as a natural sleeping aids.
Due to the misuse of amino acid supplements, FDA proposed classifying these supplements as medicines which require a prescriptions to avoid improper use.
Among the best proteins in term of quality, milk and dairy proteins, eggs and see food remain the best proteins with high bio-availability (94% bio-availability in case of milk). Bio-availability determines the percentage of protein being actually absorbed by the body. It depends also on the type of food and food interactions with proteins.


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