In this post, Want to tell some nutrition facts,
The food industry was not very concerned about nutrition, Recently , however, industry activity in this area has increased dramatically . Pronounced consumer interest has forced the industry to provide nutrition information
, and consumer demand for products with reduced calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium has initiated a whole array of products to fill this need. The connection between diet and chronic disease has prompted the industry to make extensive use of health claims.
, and consumer demand for products with reduced calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium has initiated a whole array of products to fill this need. The connection between diet and chronic disease has prompted the industry to make extensive use of health claims.
Activity and interest in nutrition have increased not just for the food industry but for the consumer and the FDA as well. Nutritional imbalance is clearly a hazard that does occur. Deficiencies that nutrition surveys always flag for certain population subgroup include vitamins A and B-6, iron, magnesium, and calcium. Nutritional excesses are an even greater problem than deficiencies in the United States. Excess calories, fat, sodium, and even protein are thought to put the population at risk for degenerative diseases such as cancer, hypertension, and coronary heart disease.
Along with increased activity and interest has come an attempt to fix the blame. Some people blame the food industry for poor nutrition. Occasionally the charge is justified because some segments of the industry offer foods that are high in salt and fat (especially saturated fat) and low in fiber. On the other hand , no consumer is forced to purchase any of these products. Unfortunately, consumer food choices are mostly based not on nutritive
value but on taste. Even when the industry offers nutritious items that consumers have requested, consumers may not actually buy them. In other words, we desire to eat one thing with our minds and another with mouths.
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