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Health Benefits for Vitamin (C)

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Find all Health Benefits for Vitamin (C) The miracle vitamin
Vitamin C is the miracle vitamin! surprised about it !
There are more and more evidences of the importance of this absolutely safe, inexpensive and available vitamin. It has a central role in boosting your immune system and improving your ability to resist cold and other contagious microbes.
Modern medicine is paying more attention to this vitamin. It has the ability to fight against all types of diseases and even cancers. You will absolutely be shocked by the new discoveries about this miracle .
Our hero today is vitamin C or Ascorbic acid. You might have heard about it, but I am sure you will be puzzled by what you READ in the next few lines.
I came down to a book that discusses the significance of large doses of vitamin c to control any disease. The idea is very simple. Vitamin c is non-toxic. It has a proven effect on boosting immune system. It is well known that any disease would not have the chance to attach us as long as our natural defense system is working well. That is true. Our bodies are well-engineered machines. They have a tremendous ability to resist malfunctions and to repair itself. When we say repair itself, we are referring to the natural state where our water, food and environment are clean ! Where in the world can we find that ? If anybody knows a clean place, I would be most thankful to know about it.
The truth is that we are surrounded by toxins. They are everywhere in our daily life. That is the direct consequence of human greed. Nevertheless, this is the hard reality. Can we do anything?
Of course we can, this is part of why I made this blog. I need to spread awareness among you guys. You will have also to spread it through your surroundings. To your beloved ones !
The fact that medications are killing our health and destroying our wealth is no longer a secret. Hypertension, heart diseases, kidney, liver cancers and you name it. Doctors want you to remain in need for them. They won't let you get healthy ( I am sorry to say that !) but they will get bankrupted if they do.
So how come vitamin C can do all this. Before, we get sick, we feel some light warning symptoms such as weakness, low energy and slight sneezing as well as other symptoms depending on our state of physical and health fitness. These symptoms are the early warning system. We do not have to panic at this time. A couple of spoonful Vitamin C powder will give our immune system the boost we need to fight the invading enemy. Now, you might ask, why don't I get some orange juice, that will do it. Nob, you will need hundreds of oranges to get enough vitamin c. So go to the nearest pharmacy and grab a bottle of vitamin c powder. you can use it with your meals or as a drink or whatever you like. Just make sure after you finish to wash your mouth since vitamin c is acidic and it is not good for your teeth. Vitamin c will boost your immune system, remove toxins and act as a free radical scavenger (hunts down free radicals). Free radicals are harmful form of chemical elements that are responsible for cancers and other terminal diseases. In addition, it cleans your body internally. Experiments on variety of toxins such as chemical intoxicants (hydrocarbons and heavy metals) and various plant and animal toxins showed that vitamin c taken at high enough doses was very effective.
Please go ahead and start thinking about vitamin c and we will continue on that in the next post.
That was my article about Health Benefits for Vitamin (C)
Love you all
Prof Maj


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